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Welcome to campus—please park in white-lined parking spaces on pavement only.

Day Visitor Parking

Visitor Parking photo of sign

If you are visiting campus for one day or for the weekend, you do not need a parking pass.

  • Day visitors are directed to park on North Campus Drive (off of Bath Road), South Campus Drive (off of College Street), Coffin Street Parking Lot, Dayton Lot (off of Sills Drive), and Russwurm House Parking Lot (just east of Tower Drive).
  • There is ample visitor parking at the Farley Field House and Watson Arena parking lots.
  • Admissions visitors may park in the Burton-Little Admissions lot, off of Tower Drive.

Faculty/Staff ParkingFaculty/staff parking photo of sign

All employees should register their vehicles with Campus Safety and will then be issued a dark blue decal. Faculty and staff may park in any employee parking lot.

These include: North Campus Drive, South Campus Drive, Dayton Lot, Druckenmiller Lot, Coffin Street Lot, Farley Field House, Lancaster Lot, Stowe House Inn Upper Lot, 85 Federal Street, Rhodes Hall, 85 Union Street, Ashby House, the Maine Street College House lots (Howell, Burnett, Helmreich, MacMillan, and Quinby), and several other designated employee parking areas.

Vendors, Contractors, and Long-Term/Regular Visitors

Vendors, contractors, and other long-term visitors staying more than one day must obtain a dated temporary parking permit to park on campus. Regular visitors to campus must also obtain a temporary parking permit that will be valid for an extended period of time. Temporary parking permits are available at the Communications Center located at Rhodes Hall, 9 Bath Road, and must be displayed on the dashboard or mirror.

Town Parking

Parking on Town of Brunswick streets near Bowdoin College is regulated by ordinance and is strictly enforced by the Brunswick Police Department. To avoid a parking ticket, please obey the parking signs posted on area streets. 

More information may be found on the Town of Brunswick Parking page.